


The Best Breakfast ever in Moscow

Get your breakfast to home!!


charcoal grills

sweet things

Lazy to go out for lunch?

We bring the food to your office!

Mesopotamia on Arbat

About Mesopotamia Restaurant - Food & Beverage
We have always intended to create a home-from-home restaurant; a warm dining experience, where diners can relax and staff are happy. This is what makes a great Turkish restaurant. Of course, it's also fabulous when we hear that diners who are visiting from Istanbul believe our kebabs are better than the ones they get at home. It makes us feel that we've achieved our goal: a truly authentic Turkish restaurant in Moscow.

Now, we are serving to your homes, offices! The Mesopotamian quality is combined with natural and organic Russian products, herbs and Turkish receipts. You can now get the products to cook at home, develop your cooking skills and make your beloveds happy!

Mespotamia Online
© 2020 - 2030
ООО Месопотамия
ИНН/КПП: 7704304590/770401001
ОГРН: 115774609867419019,
город Москва, улица Арбат, дом 4 строение 1.
Website Development: Branding & Marketing Institute